Thursday, August 30, 2007

Puppy can be Endearing

As most of you know, I am not an animal lover. I am definitely not cruel or hateful to animals, but I just don't ohhh and ahhh over animals. WD, Erin and Dylan love pets. We have had our puppy for about 6 months now. I have a love-hate relationship with Chewee, our white and brown smooth fox terrier. He's hyper, which drives me crazy, but he has such cute velvet-like ears that are so sweet. Housetraining is no fun... stepping in unexpected pee-pools, having all of my conversations with WD interrupted by Chewee having to be taken outside and of course enduring the overwhelming anger to kill him and WD when he tore up one of my sofa cushions. All said, today he did something that was just so endearing. I knew he was smart, which has helped me grow to tolerate a dog in the house. Today he proved again how smart he really is... while WD was cooking supper, he heard a scraping noise on the floor behind him. He turned to see Chewee pushing his food bowl out of the utility room and into the hallway. It was empty! Chewee was telling WD loud and clear that he wanted some food. We did not train Chewee to do that... he was communicating with us in his own way.


Unknown said...

You think thats something I can post pics of him watching the Dog Whisperer. And you didn't even tell them about how he listens to me when I ramble on. I am very proud of my puppy.

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