Monday, August 6, 2007

Dreamin' of a new car...

After my car sat in the transmission shop for over a week while we were on vacation, I am dreaming of a new car! I had the transmission repaired a couple of months ago (to the tune of $1700) only to get the car out with a crazy speedometer. I looked in my rearview mirror to see a lady tail-gating me only to discover that my speedometer was reading 100mph. Now you know a 4-cynlinder would be whining out at 100mph, so obviously it was not working right. Long story short... I dropped the car off to have the speedometer fixed, but they didn't touch the car the whole week. Now I'm hitching a ride with WD at the crack of dawn, until the auto shop decides they want to work on my car. Boy, how a Mustang convertible sounds marvelous right about now ;-)


Brooklyn said...

you're dreaming of a new car and i'm dreaming of laser lipo. only 5K per area.

Paula D said...

Brooklyn... you are a hoot! Lipo is not needed on your cute little figure!

Brooklyn said...

it just melts the fat away and then your body secretes it within 24 hours! its amazing!

Unknown said...

Why do they have to tell you that you body "secrets" it? Why can't they just day it goes away? For 5K I don't want to have to do any Secreting. urgh!!

Anonymous said...

Paula - I have also reached a time in my life where I want a new vehicle. We started looking around and trying to figure out what I want. I've also been trying to decide if I'm just spoiled or is it OK for me to want something new when my Jeep is running fine. Should I just get over it and go for it or enjoy my small Jeep note that is almost paid off. Why do I think this way?


Paula D said...

I say enjoy life without a car note, Stacie... why do you think I'm still driving a 2001 PT Cruiser with nearly 90,000 miles on it?!?