Thursday, August 2, 2007

Destin Day 5

Well the weather finally hit and it hit hard... it was like something out of a movie! A few people from our group went to the outlet mall, while me, WD, Erin, Dylan, Dad Roddy, Blane and Jamie played on the beach. It was sunny and very warm. We saw dark skies in the far-off distance, but it was a long way off. We had dark skies the day before and the weather never dimmed, so we weren't in any hurry to pick up. Before we knew it, we could see the whirlwind of sand and rain swirling toward us down the beach. With the torrent of weather came beach floats, towels, and worst of all the huge 6 foot beach umbrellas tumbling end over end! We scrambled to grab our things, but it was too late... the storm had arrived. It was so scary as Blake's huge canopy tent lifed off the ground and began to fly through the air towards Erin. She ducked just in time to avoid being slammed by the metal legs of the canopy. Dylan was running back and forth across the beach when I looked up to see one of the umbrellas tumbling towards him. WD screamed for the kids to get out of the way and head up to the house. Everything was soaked and we were all exhausted. Hopefully today we will have much clearer skies and a safer day.

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