Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Singing Bee

Well I missed the show, "Power of 10". I forgot to program the DVR, but I did catch a new show that the kids and I have recently enjoyed. It's a great primetime game show called, "The Singing Bee" hosted by Joey Fatone. It's basically a karaoke showdown. The premise of the show is to be able to recall lyrics to songs recorded from as far back as the 1950's (maybe older) to present day. It's not a singing contest, but a challenge to see who "knows the words". The kids are great to watch this with because they just stare and giggle at me and WD when we sing out loud the lyrics we know, although WD stands by the fact that he feels the show is cheesy and that it appears cheaply produced. Me and the kids don't care how it appears... it's fun!


Brooklyn said...

I DVRed it. No sign of Daniele or Amber on it.

Anonymous said...

I love that show!!! I think it's fun. Even Irvin likes it! I hope the show lasts for a long while.


Paula D said...

I would love to hear you and Irvin holla out the lyrics!