Monday, August 13, 2007

Don't Take My Picture at the Bus Stop, Mom!

After waiting in the heat for the school bus to arrive, it finally pulled up to the stop an hour after it was suppose to. Erin hopped on and headed for middle school. It seems that she is too old (or cool) now for me to take pictures of her at the bus stop. I was going to sneak out behind her and snap a photo of her walking to the corner of our street before she got on the bus, when she turned in a slight panic and told me,
"Please don't take my picture at the bus stop, Mom!"
So much for my scrapbooking her first day of middle school. I was able to snap one of her prior to her exiting the house, though. That will have to do. After dealing with that, I just put Dylan in the car and drove him to school so that I wouldn't be late for work, only to realize that I left my camera at home! He wouldn't have minded me snapping a few photos of him... guess I'll do a retake tomorrow. Hopefully the morning will go smoother than today.

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