Monday, August 20, 2007

10 til Midnight

Well I am hurrying to blog tonight so it'll post before midnight. I started my classes today, so my "fun" time online will be restricted to after I do homework. I love it, though! I'll keep you posted on how it's going with me working, parenting and taxi-ing, wife-ing, scrapbooking and studying towards my master's degree. It may be short (maybe sweet), but I promise to keep up on my blog... it is truly entertaining for me as well as therapeutic.

P.S. I found the chocolate mini-cups I was looking for online... check them out below.


Lara said...

finding the time to keep up with my blog was CRUCIAL for me when i did my master's. even though sometimes it meant not doing perfectly on an assignment, it totally kept me sane. so yes, find a way to make some time, even for quick posts just sharing a snippet of your day. :)

thanks so much for the linky love! i'm really honored that you like my photos, and i hope to see you around more in the future!

Unknown said...

don't let her make it sound so bad. She does have a husband that manages to get just a few of the chores done around the house.

Paula D said...

Yes, my hubby does "run" this household while I pursue some of my goals outside of the family/house. WD is fantastic!

Paula D said...

Girls' party invitees... so sorry, I couldn't get these chocolate cups here in time for us to enjoy. It will still be a blast though ;-)