Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Kelly Clarkson's NEW CD rocks

While I was traveling out of town for work, I stopped by Target and picked up Kelly Clarkson's CD so that the grueling 8 hours I'd be stuck in the car would at least be passed with some new tunes. Her new CD, "My December" is great. This is a new style of music for her, though. You will have to love "rocking out" to enjoy it... somewhat like girl headbanging sounds, but it really is good. I wonder what Kelly was going through when she wrote the lyrics to "Never Again"... whatever man "burned" her is sooooooo hated. Listen to it here...

Here is another song, "Haunted"... the beginning is really cool; no your speakers aren't acting up.

1 comment:

Paula D said...

Have to have Quicktime to listen... if you don't have it, then right-mouse click the music control (radio looking device in this blog) and download it.