Sunday, July 8, 2007

"Jiving" in a Marriage

If you have been married (or in a serious relationship) for any length of time, you probably can appreciate what I call "jiving". You know those times in your relationship when you feel like you are with your best friend, you are deeply in love and life is perfect. Well if you are familar with those times when you're "jiving", then you probably also know when you're not "jiving". It's those times in your relationship when one person is up and everything in life is great and the other one is... well, not having such a good day (week, month, etc). WD has recently acquired a way to diffuse those "non-jiving" times... he tries to make me laugh or smile. I was just working on my laptop, sitting in my recliner, totally ignoring him when I got this in an e-mail from him...

I laughed AND smiled.

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