Saturday, July 21, 2007

$9.99 Feels Like a Million Bucks

It's amazing how some of the littlest things can cause me to feel a certain way. I picked up a pair of sunglasses for $9.99 and absolutely feel so cute when I wear them. I don't think there are many things that I could get for less than $10 that give me such a feeling.
I am very aware that I can be my own worst critic (check out the double chin in my pic...dare I list more?!?), so it is refreshing to see something "nice" about myself. Here are some things that make me feel great:

**big earrings**french manicure**Erin's smile**"good" mail**detailed pedicure**hearing a compliment about WD**freshly applied lipstick**new bra/panties**silver eyeshadow**extra in the paycheck**fresh sheets**waking to find I have an hour more to sleep**Dylan's laugh**little traffic**fitting into smaller size**dancing**clean house**unusual shoes**good-hair day**singing lyrics to favorite songs


Brooklyn said...

Did you get them from the kiosk in the mall? That's where I get all my sunglasses. I'm thinking of picking up a new pair before we head to the beach. Also, try out merci beaucoup in town center. All their earrings are about 10 dollars a piece,& they are pretty cute. & I LOVE the earrings from the limited but they are sorta expensive (I've broken down and bought a few pairs, but it's not my usual place).

my favorite things are coming home & finding some part of the house clean (dishes washed, floor vacuumed, etc), a good cheap red wine, purses at aldo, a fresh hair cut, vera wang princess perfume, & new dresses

Paula D said...

Got the glasses at 'Target' in Monroe for $9.99. Got the earrings at 'Bella Bella' on Perkins Road for $35.00... a little steep for me, but they are so unusual and I love them!

I've been checking your blog... ya need to post something new ;-)