Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 3 in Destin

As exciting it has been relaxing on the beach... I haven't felt really well. My head had been hurting and I just felt "low". After I was awakened by the fire alarm this morning (Dad was cooking bacon for breakfast), I laid back down in the bed because my head was pounding. I laid there trying to figure out what I've been doing that is way different from my regular routine. It hit me... my morning routine of a Diet Dr. Pepper had been broken! Since I can't stand the taste of coffee, I get a large Diet Dr. Pepper and sip on it throughout the first half of the day... ahhhh caffeine and fizz... feels so good. I immediately threw my flip-flops on and walked down to the CircleK for a big-gulp size Diet Dr. Pepper. I feel better already! Click here for a few facts about my favorite beverage.

1 comment:

Ron Southern said...

Thanks for the DP info. I drink it, though I also drink diet Coke Zero and Sprite Zero to keep things interesting. I used to hate diet drinks, but I underwent a change since getting diabetes, etc. La di dah...