Thursday, July 19, 2007


Well I've seen it all... one of our least favorite players, Jen, on BigBrother was required to wear a bright red unitard for the week! It was funny just watching her in the unitard, but then when WD mentioned that she looked like "Thing 1" from Dr. Seuss, it really became hysterical. When Jen was saying goodbye to Joe on his "vote-out" video, she said, "Hi this is Jen..." as if we couldn't see her on the video. Of course we were watching with Brooklyn and Zach. Zach was a riot... he added, "Yeah, we didn't know who she was without her 'Jen' shirt!" LMAO... guess you had to be here.


Brooklyn said...

she takes the "uni" out of "unitard"

check out my blog for a jen update!

Brooklyn said...

Zach and I started watching some of the 24/7 live feed clips of the show on last night. I just took some screen caps of the clips.