Sunday, September 30, 2007

Always Wishing for More

I was thinking about how blessed we are. I remember when we bought our first home... how all four of us and all our junk fit into 1400 sq.ft., I'll never know. We were perfectly content in that home, but then we considered moving so that we could move the kids to public school. So we put a sign up and sold the house within less than 6 days. Moving into a new and bigger house was so exciting (after destressing from the building process). New carpet, new walls, new neighbors, new schools, new everything. For Erin and Dylan it was one of the best things I think we could have ever done. But, then the "new" wore off. I wouldn't trade our new neighbors and friends for anything in the world, but sometimes I long for a more simplified life again. The "new" gets old, and the responsibility of a bigger home begins to wear on me. More area to clean (and obsess about keeping new), bigger insurance, bigger mortgage, bigger electric/gas bills, more lawn work for WD, more areas to store "junk". I miss my smaller life and am learning not to "wish for more", but to be truly content in all things.

Our very first house... wasn't it cute?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a pretty comfee lookin house. Your new house is beautiful too though. Just enjoy it, and the things you have now. Think about the people that don't have half the stuff yall have.
I hope all is well over there!
Miss yall!
