Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Open House, REALLY?!?

We made it through "Open House" at both the elementary & middle schools this year. Yes, made it through! The middle school open house was well thought out & informative, but I thought I was going to climb the walls, scream, or pull my hair out while sitting in the elementary school "cafetorium" (yes, that was the name posted on the cafeteria/auditorium door... so I guess it's a real word) for over an hour. It was absolute torture. The principal, who is obviously new to the job, droned on and on about things that could have easily been put in a newsletter/flyer including a mini-political speech about voting for more taxes & a mile long list of fundraiser activities. She had very poor presentation skills which made it even more unbearable. After enduring that hour, I finally was able to go to Dylan's classroom, where another 60+ parents were trying to squeeze in as well! Needless to say, I signed the sign in roster (in case bonus points were given to kids whose parents showed up) & slipped out before I said anything inappropriate like what I was thinking... this is the biggest waste of my time! I know I can be a tough critic when it comes to education... after all, it is my business, but this "Open House" was ludicrous. I'm just glad that I have two kids who are typically responsible when it comes to schoolwork. I figured if there is anything paramount that I need to know it'll be posted on Edline anyway.

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