Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Waffles for Supper

With all of the traveling WD's been doing, he's out of town many nights. Me and the kiddos enjoy a very simple supper while he's away. Tonight we had waffles! I just whip up some waffle batter made from Bisquick, eggs, and milk, then slowly pour it over the hot sizzling waffle iron... I close it up and wait as the steam wafts out from around the edges making the waffles slightly crisp and golden brown. Gently pull the waffle off of the iron onto a plate where we lather marjarine into the squared cake. Pour on a modest amount of sticky sweet Aunt Jemima's syrup. We love breakfast for supper. Other nights we've had cereal. Even other nights we've had eggs and toast. Yummy, yummy, yummy!


Brooklyn said...

yumm i love breakfast for supper too! i made chocolate chip pancakes, turkey sausage, and omletss tonight. i think my favorite breakfast food is quiche lorraine or... well a tie between sweet potato waffles and pecan waffles

Paula D said...

You are too cute with all your fancy add-ins to waffles. I never think to add in any other ingredients... we have plain ole waffles here at the Davis home. I'll have to remember to try some of your ideas out the next time I cook waffles.