Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Babysitting Business for Erin

Well Erin may finally be approaching the age where she can actually take on real babysitting jobs. She asked me to help her to create a flier that she could distribute around the neighborhood. It has been so long since I took babysitting jobs that I had a hard time helping her. While in Target today, I ran across the perfect resource. It was called the Babysitter's Business Kit, and it fit the bill. This great little kit provided business cards, tips, and a handbook with great info. I hope Erin has as much fun learning how to be a great babysitter as I did when I was in middle school!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Paula - I will have to keep Erin in mind when I need someone to watch Mr. Hayes. Not real sure if Cameron would go for Erin babysitting him -- Ha-Ha! You are such a good Mom. Teach 'em right!
