Sunday, February 10, 2008

Girls Night Out

I just got home from a really nice evening with the "girls". This is somewhat of a tradition my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law started. We all go to a chick flick (we saw "Mad Money" tonight) and go out to eat (we went to Kona Grill tonight). It's a great time to connect and just be girls. Tonight was interesting because I typically order things at restaurants that I am familiar with but tonight I tried a couple of types of soup, macadamia nut chicken, and even sushi.
Very enjoyable experiencing something different! To top the night off, we strolled through Barnes and Noble at Perkins Rowe where I found a hard to find book for Erin, a couple of little paperbacks for Dylan, and the new John Grisham book (which my mother-in-law bought that I will borrow... it's great having similar tastes!). What a great evening!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous!
