Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas from the Shiftworker's Wife's Perspective

It changes from year to year, so being flexible is a must! With WD's work schedule, some Christmases he wakes with us while others he's working.  Tradition isn't necessary in the Davis house... we make our own depending on what life's schedule throws our way.  Last year & this year WD works/worked days (4am-4pm) on Christmas day.  It's actually pretty great because Santa makes a stop by our house Christmas eve (afternoon-ish) while I make Christmas supper in pj's (matching my girl, Erin, of course).  When Daddy WD walks through the door, we all sit down for yummy Christmas supper... and that's not traditional either... this year we had Cheesy-Shrimp soup with Focaccia bread. After dinner, we slip into the living room around the tree for gifts.  Starting with the stockings, we all dump them out to discover the neat little treats and the creamy chocolates and other candies (and my favorite the gum!). I try to snap pics while we open gifts and share the stories behind the purchases for each other... sometimes the stories are better than the gifts themselves. This year it was an iPhone for Erin, a laptop for Dylan, Kinect & iPad for WD, and a bike & Coach bag for me.  Another Davis Christmas "tradition" are the electronics!  We are technology junkies to say the least... this year was no different :-) Although I'll wake in the morning to an empty bed, I'll get to sleep late & enjoy the kids' company when we do leisurely crawl out of bed.  WD will join us again tomorrow after he gets off of work... hey, somebody has to earn the money to pay for our "Santa" visit!

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