Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Treasure Remembered & Found

While driving to work this morning, I was listening to the 96.1FM River (I've run out of audio books and the newest one I ordered hasn't been released yet) with Murphy, Sam & Jodi. They were reading emails/letters from the Producer's Mailbag. Apparently the radio personalities asked the public to write in to them concerning their favorite all-time Christmas movie. The producer began reading the letter, and noted that this particular listener's favorite Christmas movie was "Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas". My brain was flooded with very happy memories as a child watching that movie over and over and over again. I texted WD to see if he remember it, and his response was "??? Is that french or something?" I cracked up laughing, because he is the family's movie buff. Obviously he hadn't experienced this Christmas story. It's a children's classic put out by Jim Henson. I was so excited to be reminded of such a good memory. Once at a computer, I immediately logged onto Ebay, found the movie (re-released on DVD... nice since it was originally produced in 1977!), and bought it on the spot. I can't wait for it to arrive at the house... hopefully before Christmas!

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