Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Favorite Christmas Movie

Yesterday afternoon, I really needed to fold clothes... like 7 loads! WD was sleeping (working nights again), while the kids and puppies were stir-crazy & wild around the house. I had a list of things I needed to get done in addition to the clothes, so I piled all the clean clothes in baskets in front of the TV and put the kids to work folding, while I was across the room in the kitchen making lunch. To make it more enjoyable, we popped in the movie Elf. It's a hilarious story. Will Ferrell stars as Buddy, a regular-sized man who was raised as an elf by Santa Claus. When the news is finally broken to Buddy that he's not a real elf, he decides to head back to his place of birth, New York City, in search of his biological family. We laughed and laughed, and before we realized it, the clothes were folded, lunch was served & eaten, and we were enjoying our new fireplace. If you haven't seen Elf, you just have to rent it during the holidays! It will surely make you laugh.

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