Saturday, November 10, 2007

Working in our Country's Capitol

I had a great opportunity to go to Washington, D.C. last week (for work of course). One of my coworkers/dear friend, Barbara, and I headed up to DC Monday morning. We were there for a conference, NCCTQ (National Comprehensive Conference for Teacher Quality). The conference keep us clammed up in the hotel for most of the 3 day trip. The sessions lasted from sun up to sun down... they even had us working in groups while we ate breakfast and lunch! Although the hotel was gorgeous, The Fairmont, we were ready to escape to see a few sights. We got to see part of the Smithsonian Museums, the capitol, a few of the memorials, and of course glimpses of the White House. Funny story... we walked up to the White House (apparently we got turned around and were approaching from the side) where we saw a small little guard shack. All the guards on duty seemed to be so "stuffy", but we because it was getting dark and we wanted to see the White House, we approached one of them. I asked the guy where we needed to walk in order to get a good picture. He looked at Barbara and I, and replied very seriously, "Pictures are no longer allowed of the White House." Our reply in unison was, "They're not?" The guard lost his very serious demeanor and cracked a smile saying, "Nah, I'm just kidding... this is still America isn't is?!?" What could he expect from a couple of small town Louisiana girls?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool! Glad I can live through you vicariously. I smiled when I saw your picture, 'cause I just wore my pink jacket to school this week too. Love the Jacket!! Everyone at school loved it too. Miss ya. Dela