Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ingrid Michaelson's Happy Tune

I love the Old Navy commercial where they are advertising sweaters... it's not the actual commercial that is so great, but it's the little jingle they play. Brooklyn helped me find the name of the artist so that I could find the song. Here it is... Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am":


Anonymous said...

Paula - this IS a great song. I tend to like the songs you debut for me on your blog. Colby Caillet's(spelling?) "Bubbly" is still me and my boys favorite song. We know all the words to it and it's fun to sing. Miss you!


Erin said...

hey mom,
I love you song and I remember when you were trying to find out what the name what of this song was for about 2 weeks! You found out who sang it because of aunt brooklyn's cell phone at the movies
Ren Ren