Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Furniture

You know you've crossed over from girl to all-grown-up when getting furniture for Christmas is absolutely thrilling. WD has always been very creative and surprising with Christmas and birthday gifts; this year is no different except the "surprise" part. He priced out a set of diamond earrings for me and nixed that idea after thinking about how I would feel if he spent that kind of money... his thinking was, "If I got these earrings for Paula and she found out I spent over $2000 on them, she would have a fit. To think that she could have a brand new Apple computer for the money I spent on these earrings!" He was dead on! So no earrings, and no new computer yet, but he is getting me furniture for our office/scrapbook room! We can't afford to do it all at once, but because the furniture is modular and from Pottery Barn (where I can order pieces offline if I need to) we are doing it a piece or two at a time. Here is what some of it will look like.... I'm going with the white finish since my walls in the office are red... I can't wait!!!

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