Monday, December 28, 2009

Catching Up & Enjoying Life

Well life has been full of fun & festivities... thus the reason I haven't blogged in a while. I am a huge advocate for recording memories, but living 'em has to come first!  If it weren't for Facebook, I don't know if anyone would know what anyone else was doing.  Gotta love it!

Our most recent "excitement" was a couple of nights before Christmas... WD came down with a terrible stomach virus.  He was geared up to go to work (he had to work days Christmas Eve & Christmas Day... it was the trade off for getting off for our 11 day NYC, Cruise, Bahama vacay in November).  Kids were in bed, and he was really sick (I won't go into too many details, but you know symptoms of stomach virus).  He tried to stay hydrated, but couldn't stay ahead of it.  I went out looking for somewhere to buy medicine... apparently the only place to get "drugs" in P'ville is on the streets, cuz there were no pharmacies or Walmart open at that time of night.  I ended up buying ImodiumAD at the Shell station, but he couldn't keep those down for them to work.  We finally resorted to St Elizabeth's ER where they gave him a heavy duty shot in the butt.  All said, he was weak for a day or so, but he's great now.

Finally Christmas... we opted for Santa to make his stop at our house early Christmas Eve since WD was working during the day.  When WD got off of work, I had Christmas PJs laid out for him (believe me... that wasn't his idea), potato soup cooked, & kids so wound up with excitement they couldn't stand it.  The only kink in our Christmas Eve plan was that Santa's helpers left the stocking stuffers upstairs in gift bags so that me & WD could move them to the stockings when it was time. I  panicked when I went upstairs & found Erin's giftbag of stocking goodies was missing! Dylan suggested I look under the bed (he thinks like a mischievous puppy) & sure enough, our crazy pup had drug the bag under the bed & attacked it!  Well I suppose that's not as bad as some of the other things he's drug out before!

Of course, as most of you heard via FB, I graduated!  I'm so excited to have my "free-time" back now.  It's so nice not to worry about assignment deadlines & in-field experience logs & research papers that make my head hurt & on & on & on.  I'm done with school (at least until I get Erin & Dylan out of high school)!  I have to thank my kids & hubby for their support.  There were many nights & weekends that I had to pick schoolwork over family time & it was tough!

Santa brought a few fun surprises for us this year!  I got a Sony Reader & didn't even know I wanted one.  It is really cool.  I can carry as many books as I want with me anywhere (I guarantee none of my books will be textbooks...nothing but fictional fun now).  I can download them from the public library for no charge or buy books online.  It's a great little gadget!  WD got a blue-ray player, Erin got a new phone, & Dyl got the PS3.  Yeah, we are electronic junkies!  Now we are ready for 2010... Happy Holidays, everyone!


Teri said...

I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful Christmas. Congratulations on graduating. I think I see a celebration crop in our future.

Heatherbell said...

Congrats on graduation! Can't wait to crop for your birthday!