Wednesday, October 7, 2009

SoBe World

Ok... those of you who know me, know that I don't do "designer" drinks... you know drinks like "Monster", "Red Bull", etc. I don't drink coffee; not even the flavored stuff from Starbucks/CC's.  I don't like "Gatorade" or any of those types of drinks, either. I just haven't been able to tolerate their taste much less their increased caloric-content in many cases.  Well I finally found one that I just LOVE!  It's called SoBe lifewater.  It's a zero-cal, vitamin enhanced, flavored water.  Now I'm starting to sound like a commercial! No they haven't employed me in any way.  Anyway, while at Target the other day, I bought one at the register just to give it a shot... after all it was no-calories & it looked so refreshing.  Crazy enough it has a lizard on the bottle!  What a lizard has to do with water, I have no idea.  It was great.  I saw a display of them at Walmart the other day, so I  picked up a couple of different flavors to try.  My favorites are Yumberry Pomegranate & Fuji Apple Pear, although I don't know what the hell a "yumberry" is... it tastes yummy-licious though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah we all know you LOVE these things cause the fridge is always stocked with them..... i want to try one of those things one day!!