Tuesday, September 16, 2008

We Survived the 2008 Hurricanes

Gustav blew through and we got water in the house, cracked privacy fence, trees blown sideways, broken ice machine, and the worst was no electricity for a week. We trekked over to Gulfport, MS in search of a generator, window A/C unit, and gasoline (everywhere was sold out here). After blocking off the downstairs area, we all lived in the living/kitchen area downstairs. It was yucky... everyone sleeping in the living room in makeshift beds. The kids missed a week of school and were stir crazy! I ended up hooking the washing machine to the generator to clean a few clothes then hung them on the back porch. After it was all said and done with Gustav, then Hurricane Ike arrived. The only thing we got from Ike was widespread panic in the area because everybody was so freaked out because of Gustav, and another day off of school. I can tell you now, I won't ever take electricity and my comfy bedroom for granted! Check out the photos... Dylan says he didn't want to go back to his "ex-bedroom" because he loved his "back-up bedroom" so much downstairs hidden behind my recliner.

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

Glad to hear you came through the hurricanes okay. I grew up in Galveston so am grieving at all the sad news. You posted a comment on my blog a while back. I just thought I'd visit and say I hope you're doing better health-wise.
