Sunday, September 14, 2008

Drinking, Consumption, Whatever You Want To Call It...

I have led a relatively sheltered life, I know. I have never experimented with drugs and barely with alcohol. Since becoming an adult, I have decided to drink alcohol on an occasional basis depending on the social setting and such. Typical amount I consume is one to two drinks a week... a far cry from dependent, I know. All this said, I have searched and searched for what is an acceptable amount of alcohol one should allow his/herself to consume. I hear extemes from people I love and trust... some say it's wrong to have any, others of them live a total free-for-all in terms of alcohol consumption. Morally, I turn to the Bible to see what it says about consuming alcohol... in the book of John, Jesus gives compliments at a wedding where the best wine was saved for the end of the wedding; in 1 Timothy wine is given in place of water medicinally; there are many more examples of where folks in the Bible are partaking in alcoholic beverage (specifically wine). On the flip side, the Bible clearly speaks out against drunkenness. So my moral take on it is, it's okay to drink alcohol in moderation, but not in excess to cause drunkenness. Hence brings about the question: what's too much? is that the same for everyone? Moral dilemmas aside (because we can argue that facet for years), what is an acceptable amount of alcohol consumption in terms of healthy living? I have found a couple of websites that give some insight:

LA State Police Website
The NIAAA Site (especially questions 10, 13, & 17)

but, I want to poll anyone who is willing to share their views/opinions... just leave a comment here.


Blessing Sunday Osuchukwu said...

Quite a remarkable reflection, I would say.

Brooklyn said...

i'm probably not the person to ask as far as morality goes.

but my take on it, is that the amount of alcohol drinks you can consume without becoming "drunk" definitely varies person to person. so throwing out an arbitrary "two drinks" just doesn't make sense.

if erin had "two drinks" she would be on the floor.

so my feelings on it are... drink whatever you want and how ever much you want... as long as you can be responsible with your actions.

do what you think is right for you : )

Brooklyn said...

i just noticed that in my user picture, i'm drinking