Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Busy, busy, busy

It will be easier to update everyone by just showing you pictures...
Erin's shopping birthday at the mall with her friends:
Kids playing on top of the playhouse... yep, WD let them jump off the top of the playhouse onto the trampoline!
The kids have been enjoying free-dress day, field-days, and fun days at school (it's never been easier waking Dylan up than it has this week)...
To top it all off, Erin & Dylan have dance recitals next weekend... this weekend we are planning on having the neighbors over to celebrate Memorial day on the back patio... and the list keeps going!


Stacie Crawford said...

Paula - doesn't it require so much energy when keeping busy!! The pictures are precious. It feels like just yesterday I was at the mall with my friends...but is soooo wasn't yesterday. Maybe one day Erin and those same friends will meet at Starbucks for coffee to celebrate a birthday!! I'm also VERY excited that my boy David Cook took home the crown of American Idol. He rocks!! Take care.

Paula D said...

Love that David Cook won!!! He is so awesome... I'll be first in line to buy his CD whenever it is released!
Oh, I just did a scrapbook page of your birthday at Starbucks! I'll have to show it to you soon.
