Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day in the Life of a Jazzercise Instructor

One of my latest passions is Jazzercise.  I recently became certified to instruct classes.  Cardio, stretches, strength training... it's a great workout.  Being strong & being able to dance really helps, but there is oh so much more that you have to do! Like being friendly, confident & aware of class participants' needs.  On top of that you have to know all of the dance moves from memory, be able to cue the class before the moves, remember to stay hydrated, don't overuse/abuse your vocal chords, all the safety tips, plus work a sound system with a wireless mic & iPod! It's a lot, but quite fun & engaging.  Today I taught the 6:05 class at the Prairieville center.  I got the class warmed up & working up the heartrate... then silence! All of a sudden, there was absolute silence! The iPod shut down... leaving me hanging with no music!  I kept the class moving, jumped off stage, & ran to get my iPhone out of my basket, only to find that I had left my iPhone in my car!  I grabbed my keys & had the class owner run out to my car praying that my iPhone wasn't in the bottom of my purse while still having the class dance to nothing other than my cues & classmates singing the song.  She came running back in with it! I was so relieved to find that my routine set of music was on my iPhone... I clicked to it & led the class into the next routine.  I held it together & the class participants were absolutely excellent! Lesson learned... make sure iPod is fully charged every single day & always have the iPhone in the building as back up :-)

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