Friday, March 12, 2010

My New Snack

I love discovering "new" snacks.  Thanks to one of my scrappin' friends, Beverly, I was introduced to the world of wasabi.  Beverly brought a small bag of wasabi peas to our latest scrappin' event.  Their appearance peaked my interest... small green peas, covered in white coating!  I was thinking white chocolate or yogurt covering, but couldn't get my head around the idea of putting either on a green pea!  Once I popped one in my mouth, it took me completely by surprise... can you say, "Fire!" It was hot, but best of all, it had a nice little crunch.  It gave this burning sensation on the roof of my mouth that was actually pleasant in a weird sort of way!   I headed to Albertson's & picked up a bag of wasabi peas, wasabi "trail mix", and then at World Market I found wasabi cracker mix!  1/2 cup serving runs me about 127 calories.  To make them even more appealable... I read that spicy foods can actually raise your metabolism.  Rev it up & Bring on the wasabi peas!

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